two stroke engine | two stroke petrol engine|working of two stroke

 Working of 2 stroke s.i engine

2 stroke si engine An engine that completes its four phases of suction, compression, power, exhaust in two strokes, it does not have valves, instead of them there are ports which are three or more which are There are inlet port, exhaust port, transfer port, its fly wheel is light.
two stroke engine | two stroke petrol engine|working of two stroke
working of two stroke

Working of 2 stroke s.i engine

(1) Suction Stroke and Compression Stroke –

 In this stroke, when the piston is forwarded upwards (TDC), the fuel from the intake port is fed into the crankshaft and the fuel from the transfer port comes to the top of the piston until the top of the piston. which covers the exhaust port as it comes over the piston thereby completing the compression and suction stroke of the fuel

(2) Power stroke and exhaust stroke –

 when the piston is down {BDC} And then by the compression of hot gas we get thermal energy which we convert into mechanical energy and due to which hot flue gases push down the piston which gives us power stroke which gives us power stroke. and when the exhaust port starts to uncover, then the buoyed fuel goes out through the exhaust port.

two stroke engine | two stroke petrol engine|working of two stroke
two stroke petrol engine|

Things to pay attention to in working of 2 stroke s.i engine

(a) When the port is closed in this, it is called cover, when the port is on, it is called uncover

(b) 2 stroke engine runs hot because engine gets less time to cool down because power stroke occurs after 1 stroke

(c) The number of ports in a 2 stroke engine is three or more

(d) 2 stroke engine consumes more oil

(e) 2 stroke engine is used where the efficiency is high

(f) Cooling in 2 stroke engine is done by air

(g) The oil level of the engine drops quickly in a 2 stroke engine

(h) Its design is not complex

(i) 2 stroke has less additional parts

(j) 2 strokes have less weight

(k) 2 stroke has more mechanical efficiency

(l) 2 stroke has less thermal efficiency

(q) 2 stroke mileage is less

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