Define Environmental Science | Parts of Environmental Science

Define Environmental Science in EVS 

In the environment, we study the various chemical phenomena that occur in chemistry.
in the environment. We try to learn about the chemical species in the surrounding environment.

existing in different regions in the environment, their sources, routes, reactions and
Those results result from the activities of humans and other life forms. for example

Environmental pollution on the one hand and deforestation and population explosion on the other
And the threat of the existence of life on earth is increasing.
Life on earth is possible only when the living beings of all regions understand the importance of environmental protection.

Define Environmental Science ?

Define Environmental Science,parsts of Environmental science
parsts of Environmental science

 therefore,environmental education (which requires an understanding of the basic concepts of environmental chemistry) therefore in environmental science
Which is not governed by bound rules and the standard of formal education is paramount.

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Parts of Environmental Science:- 

Environmental Science is divided into four parts which are as follows
1. Lithosphere, 2. Hydrosphere, 3. Atmosphere and 4. Biosphere.

[1] Lithosphere -

The rocks found in the form of solid material on the surface of the earth are called lithosphere or rocks, these rocks are mainly inorganic [silicates, oxides, carbonates, etc.] and organic [in organic form] and polysaccharides. Nucleation made from water etc.

what are the types of lithosphere?

These are also of three types
[1] Igneous Rock
[2] sedimentary rock
[3] Metamorphic

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development activities on the hydrosphere cause

{2} hydrosphere

The hydrosphere includes all surface and groundwater resources such as oceans, seas, rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, glaciers, polar ice caps, groundwater, and water locked in crevices of rocks and the Earth's interior. 

what is the importance of hydrosphere,how is the atmosphere and lithosphere connected

  Presence [organic, inorganic matter] All of these make Earth a blue planet because about 80%      of Earth's water is covered by water, 97% of Earth's water resources are oceans and oceans,         and the remaining 3% water is giant glaciers, 

    land Water is present in the polar ice caps, while only 1% of the world's total water resources    are available for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses.

Parts of Environmental Science

The hydrosphere is divided into three parts
[1] wave
[2] tide
[3] ocean current

[a] wave-

The main reason for the formation of waves is the wind, the height, depth, and length of the waves depend on the speed of the wind.
Since a tsunami is also a type of wave, the main reason for its formation is a geo-sea earthquake.

[b] tide

The sea level never remains the same, it regularly rises twice a day, descends twice, the rise above sea level is called tide and its descent is called ebb.

The main reason for the occurrence of tides is the attraction power of the moon and the sun.
In which the contribution of the Moon is more because the Moon is closer to the Earth.

During the day, the tide comes with a delay of 52 minutes, that is, in 24 hours 52 minutes, the tide comes twice and the ebb comes twice.

The time difference between two tides is 12 hours 26 minutes and the difference between tides and ebb is 6 hours 13 minutes

[c] ocean current

The water of the oceans moving from one place to another like river flowing on the surface is called ocean current.

Define Environmental Science? Parts of Environmenta ?

[3] Biosphere -

This is the area of ​​the earth in which life exists and in which you and we and the whole world are in this circle, it is called the biosphere, this circle is about 10000 meters deep above sea level and its height extends to 6000 whole biosphere it The region connects living organisms and other areas of the environment to the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere.


hydrosphere pictures,

[4] Atmosphere -

This system is made up of gases in which nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. are made of gases.
This circle extends up to 500 km above sea level and there is an exchange of substances in the atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere.

Weight relative to Biosphere: Atmosphere: Hemisphere 1:3:69:100

Atmosphere weight 4.5 to 5 × 10¹⁵ metric tons (approx.)

Atmospheric temperature - varies between 100 °C to +1200 °C (with altitude)

atmospheric pressure 1 atmosphere (at sea level) and
3 × 10-⁷ atmosphere (100 km above sea level)

Atmospheric density at the surface of the Earth is 0.0013g/cu. m happens
as height increases
By the way, the density of the atmosphere rapidly declines and gradually becomes thinner in space.

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